Reflections - Cover Reveal

Reflections - Cover Reveal

by Sarah Stott on
In this informed, incisive and passionate commentary on the state of nature and conservation, Mark Avery reflects on our relationship with the wildlife around us. The cover is illustrated by Rachel Hudson and is based on a vista in the Cotswolds. 
All the species that appear on the cover are closely associated with high-quality habitats. From the Small Blue, Large Blue (a recent and highly successful reintroduction) and Duke of Burgundy Fritillary butterflies, to the Skylark, Adder and Black Oil-beetle. Bats are of course protected species, while the Lynx - jogging out of shot to the left - is a charismatic predator that many would like to see return to these islands under the banner of rewilding. 
The scene envisages a calcareous downland landscape, for which southern Britain is so well known, complete with Rock-roses, Horseshoe Vetch, Knapweed, Marjoram and more. In the middle distance we can see a few sheep - not too many! - playing their part within a mosaic of habitats and land-uses in what amounts to a structurally diverse and biodiverse landscape with interest for all. 
Reflections will be published this Summer. Click here to learn more about this fascinating title from one of Britain's leading wildlife campaigners.

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