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Resources for Academics

In this section:

Prospective Authors

We welcome proposals on any wildlife, biology, environmental history or environmental science topic. Please download our Author Proposal Questionnaire and send to editor@pelagicpublishing.com. For more guidelines on becoming a Pelagic author please visit our Authors page.

Inspection Copies

Free electronic copies of textbooks are available to certified lecturers and educators for inspection. Please visit:


Please contact us to re-use material from one of our titles in your publication.

Series Editors

Existing series
Please review our current series. You can find information about the Series Editors for each series. Please contact a Series Editor if you wish to propose a new title for a series.

New series
We welcome proposals for new series. Please email editor@pelagicpublishing.com.


Our key textbooks for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate teaching are:

Statistics for Ecologists Using R and Excel (2nd Edition)
Community Ecology
Remote Sensing and GIS for Ecologists
Data Management for Researchers
Managing Data Using Excel