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Celebrating National Mammal Week 2020 with 30% off Mammal Books

Celebrating National Mammal Week 2020 with 30% off Mammal Books

by Moira Reid on

To celebrate National Mammal Week 2020 we are offering a 30% discount on all of our Mammal Books, simply use discount code 'MAMMAL30' at checkout.

Friday 23rd October - Sunday 1st November marks National Mammal Week 2020. 

Organised by the Mammal Society, National Mammal Week is a chance to increase awareness of mammals, particularly those at risk of extinction, and highlight the challenges they face.

Keeping reading to browse a selection of our new and forthcoming Mammal titles. Browse all Mammal Books here.

The Eurasian Beaver Handbook: Ecology and Management of Castor fiber
Róisín Campbell-Palmer, Derek Gow, Gerhard Schwab, Duncan Halley, John Gurnell, Simon Girling, Skip Lisle, Ruairidh Campbell, Helen Dickinson and Simon Jones  

'At last, a factual and pragmatic guide to why we should have beavers in Britain and how we can live with them.'
—Chris Packham

Atlas of the Mammals of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Edited by Derek Crawley, Frazer Coomber, Laura Kubasiewicz, Colin Harrower, Peter Evans, James Waggitt, Bethany Smith, Fiona Matthews, and The Mammal Society

'A clear mark in the sand to compare with.'
—Ian Bond, ECOS

Is That a Bat?: A Guide to Non-Bat Sounds Encountered During Bat Surveys
Neil Middleton

'An invaluable read and reference for anyone identifying bats through sound analysis at any level.'
—Philip Briggs, Bat Conservation Trust

Muntjac and Water Deer: Natural History, Environmental Impact and Management
Arnold Cooke

'This is a must for any interested in the environmental impact of alien deer species, the text is an easy to read style for both the amateur naturalist and professional deer manager.'
—Derek Crawley, Mammal News

The Call of Carnivores: Travels of a Field Biologist
Hans Kruuk

'An exciting and interesting narrative.'
—Katherine Whitehouse-Tedd, Journal of Vertebrate Biology

Bat Roosts in Trees: A Guide to Identification and Assessment for Tree-Care and Ecology Professionals
Bat Tree Habitat Key

'I would strongly recommend this book (and framework) to tree-care and ecology professionals, and it is potentially of broader interest within the scientific community.' 
—Stuart Newson, Senior Research Ecologist, BTO

Badger Behaviour, Conservation & Rehabilitation
70 Years of Getting to Know Badgers
George E. Pearce

'George has an extraordinary and instinctive understanding of badger behaviour.'
—Mike Hughes, Badger Trust

Marine Mammal Observer and Passive Acoustic Monitoring Handbook
Victoria Todd, Ian Todd, Jane Gardiner, Erica Morrin, and foreword by Phillip J. Clapham

'An indispensable How To guide'
—Dr Phillip J. Clapham, world-renowned cetologist and Director of the Cetacean Assessment and Ecology Program at the National Marine Mammal Laboratory in Seattle.

Shrewdunnit: The Nature Files
Conor Mark Jameson

'An assortment of stories that sparkle with insight, imagination and affection.'
—Sophie Stafford

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