Seaweeds of the British Isles, Volume 1 Rhodophyta, Part 2A
Cryptonemiales (Sensu Stricto) Palmariales, Rhodymeniales
- algae
- identification
- marine biology
- marine habitat
- phycology
- seashore
- seaweed
- taxonomy
This book covers the species att ributed to the orders Cryptonemiales, Palmariales and Rhodymeniales. Each species description incorporates notes on ecology and distribution and is supported by one or more line illustrations. Keys to aid identification are also included.
This is a reprint edition of 0-565-00871-4.
Postgraduate, field centre, marine biologist, taxonomistAbout the Author
Linda Irvine has over 40 years' experience at the Natural History Museum, London, specialising in algal taxonomy and nomenclature, and was a major contributor to several books in the series Seaweeds of the British Isles.
Bibliographic Information
115 pages
- B/w illustrations
- BISAC SCI039000, SCI011000, NAT045050