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Human, Nature - Pelagic Publishing

Human, Nature

A Naturalist’s Thoughts on Wildlife and Wild Places

  • Describes the means to a richer and more fulfilling relationship with nature.
  • A wide-ranging personal account of interactions with wildlife.
  • Tackles controversial topics such as invasive species, rewilding and reintroductions.


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    • A wise, thoughtful and very readable series of essays from someone who spent his working life at the forefront of nature conservation, and has now shared his accumulated wisdom with the rest of us.
      —Stephen Moss, author and naturalist
    Subject: natural-history
    • autobiography
    • birds
    • natural history
    • nature
    • rewilding
    • wildlife


    What does it mean to be a part of—rather than apart from—nature? This book is about how we interact with wildlife and the ways in which this can make our lives richer and more fulfilling. But it also explores the conflicts and contradictions inevitable in a world that is now so completely dominated by our own species.

    Interest in wildlife and wild places, and their profound effects on human wellbeing, have increased sharply as we face up to the ongoing biodiversity extinction crisis and reassess our priorities following a global pandemic. Ian Carter, lifelong naturalist and a former bird specialist at Natural England, sets out to uncover the intricacies of the relationship between humans and nature. In a direct, down-to-earth style he explains some of the key practical, ethical and philosophical problems we must navigate as we seek to reconnect with nature.

    This wide-ranging and infectiously personal account does not shy away from controversial subjects—such as how we handle invasive species, reintroductions, culling or dog ownership—and reveals in stark terms that properly addressing our connection to the natural world is an imperative, not a luxury.

    Short, pithy chapters make this book ideal for dipping into. Meanwhile, it builds into a compelling whole as the story moves from considering the wildlife close to home through to conflicts and, finally, the joy and sense of escape that can be had in the wildest corners of our landscapes, where there is still so much to discover.

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.53061/NJTE4148


    Anyone with an interest in nature and wild places.

    Table of Contents


    The island effect
    The late-summer lull
    Man’s best friend?
    A rat’s life
    Local patch wildlife
    Familiar species
    All-time favourite

    Number conundrum
    Mario or mud pies?
    Splitting headaches
    The naming game
    Missing from the list
    A love of birds?
    Unwelcome wildlife
    The sound of silence
    Health-enhancing House Martins
    Adopt a species
    Wanted: dead or alive
    The state of nature
    Urban wildlife

    Recent arrivals
    Rescuing wildlife
    The culture of killing
    A tale of two raptors
    Meddling with wildlife
    Moving things around

    The pursuit of wildness
    Seabirds at sea
    Western Isles refuge
    A change of scene
    Western Isles revisited



    • A wise, thoughtful and very readable series of essays from someone who spent his working life at the forefront of nature conservation, and has now shared his accumulated wisdom with the rest of us.
      —Stephen Moss, author and naturalist
    • A highly enjoyable read – informative, thought-provoking and above all balanced. Ian Carter wears his copious knowledge extremely lightly.
      —Lev Parikian, author of Into The Tangled Bank and Why Do Birds Suddenly Disappear?
    • I love the warmth and refreshing candour of Ian's writing. Readable and relatable - this is an enriching book, from a reliable witness. Highly recommended.
      —Conor Jameson, author and conservationist
    • Ian Carter offers highly readable musings on the most pressing issues facing Britain’s beleaguered wildlife. Balancing obvious expertise with refreshing honesty, Carter ponders everything from non-native species and the conflicts between gamekeepers and raptors, to the value of urban wildlife and the need to reconnect with nature. His infectious passion for the great outdoors sings from every page.
      —Dan Eatherley, author of Invasive Aliens
    • It has been a real pleasure for me as a country-dweller to read Ian Carter's work, because he somehow tells it like it is more than any other rural writer I know... Mr Carter knows the countryside... What he describes is not a fancied landscape cloaked with nostalgia or the ethereal pastures of the far-fetched poet, but a very real place in which birds fly and die in equal measure.
      —Martin Hesp, journalist and novelist
    • A deeply engaging account of our complex relationship with the natural world. Drawing on his conservation expertise and lifelong passion for wildlife, Ian explores a wide range of contentious issues and shares the joy of reconnecting with nature in this enlightening, honest and very accessible book.
      —Nic Wilson, nature writer and Guardian Country Diarist
    • A wonderful collection of heartfelt, insightful essays – each one like a privileged chat about the highs, lows and many conundrums of three decades working with nature, from one of its most personable and pragmatic champions. We need people like Ian.
      —Dr Amy-Jane Beer, naturalist, writer and campaigner
    • Human, Nature deserves to be read very widely... here is a book that considers all the most pressing questions we face as we attempt to understand and fundamentally change our relationship with the natural world. Most importantly, it makes the connections between them, and quietly asserts the need for us to start making more connections – between sites, whole landscapes, and each other.
      —Matt Merritt, editor of Bird Watching Magazine and author of A Sky Full of Birds
    • This book is a highlight of my non-fiction reading this year to date. Thought provoking, accessible and beautifully written, it is one of the best accounts I have ever read of the complex relationship between humans and wildlife, celebrating the huge benefits it can bring and full of wise comment on the dilemmas it often poses.
      —Jonathan Elphick, Natural history author and editor
    • A delightful read... Not only are the interactions with nature well told and engaging, the deeper thoughts they trigger have been honed by a lifetime’s experience.
      —Dr. Mark Avery
    • lan is probably better known for his books on Red Kites, but here he tells the tale of his 25 years working for the government agencies for nature [and] living in a house next to a dyke on the fens... The book really comes alive at the end, with lan's move to Devon and his trips to Western Scotland, and I eagerly await his new book on Hen Harriers with Dan Powell.
      Bird Watching's August Book of the Month
    • Touches upon some of the most important issues facing us all that need resolving before we assign nature to history and ourselves to oblivion! I bet once you pick this book up you will be tempted to put things on hold while you read the lot in one sitting!
      —Bo Beolens, Fatbirder
    • If you want a slightly different perspective on our complex and complicated relationship with the natural world then this is as good a place to start as any.
      —Paul Cheney, Halfman, Halfbook
    • … an eminently readable, thoughtful, honest and fascinating contribution to modern birding literature, which I can thoroughly and unreservedly recommend.
      —Mike Everett, British Birds
    • A thoughtful and timely look at contemporary relationships between people and nature.
      —James Robertson, British Wildlife
    • It’s the perfect book for dipping into and also for sitting engrossed for a couple of hours.
      — Alan Williams, environmental consultant
    • A thought-provoking book… full of short discussions emanating from Ian’s vast knowledge of birds gained through his many years as an ornithologist.
      —Alan Stewart, author and wildlife crime expert
    • This is an interesting and balanced take on the current state of play in the UK, wildlife-wise, from an author who knows it as well as anyone else... a particularly engaging and fascinating read.
      —Josh Jones, Bird Guides

    About the Author

    Ian Carter took early retirement after twenty-five years as an ornithologist with Natural England. He was closely involved with the Red Kite reintroduction programme and wider work on the conservation of birds of prey, bird reintroductions and wildlife management. The cultural and philosophical aspects of nature conservation have always fascinated him, especially their influence on our attitudes towards the natural world. He has written articles for wildlife magazines including British Birds, British Wildlife and Birdwatch, and has co-authored papers in scientific journals. He wrote The Red Kite (Arlequin Press 2007) and, with Dan Powell, The Red Kite’s Year (Pelagic Publishing 2019), and has been on the Editorial Board of the journal British Birds for over twenty years. He keeps a wildlife diary and has written something in it (however dull) every day for over thirty-five years.

    Bibliographic Information

    • 224 pages
    • 4 b/w illustrations
    • BISAC NAT037000, NAT024000, BIO000000