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Insects on cherry trees - Pelagic Publishing

Insects on cherry trees

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    • cherries
    • cherry
    • ecology
    • entomology
    • identification
    • insects
    • invertebrates
    • taxonomy
    • tree


    Cherry trees of various kinds are common in gardens and in the countryside, and the rich communities of insects that live on them offer excellent opportunities for research. The authors' own work has already shown how studies of cherry insects can address major ecological questions. As cherries become more popular for planting in amenity areas and woodland, it becomes increasingly important to understand how their insects interact with each other and with the host plant. We hope this book will encourage more people to contribute to this research and to take advantage of the opportunities offered by this very accessible and diverse insect community.

    The book introduces the insect species associated with cherry trees, draws attention to particularly interesting features of the insect communities, and highlights topics on which further investigation is needed.


    Sixth-form, undergraduate, postgraduate, field centre, ecological consultant, wildlife trust, conservation volunteer

    Table of Contents

    Island biogeography and species-area studies
    Insect-plant interactions
    Identification: 10 keys covering the tree species
    I Cherries and related species of Prunus
    II Major groups of insects
    III Adult homopteran bugs
    IV Caterpillars of Lepidoptera
    V Butterflies and moths
    VI Sawfly larvae
    VI Adult sawflies
    VIII Fly larvae
    IX Adult beetles
    X Adult heteropteran bugs
    Some useful addresses
    References and further reading

    Bibliographic Information

    • 82 pages
    • B/w illustrations
    • 4 colour plates
    • BISAC NAT017000, SCI020000