The Merlin
The Ecology of a Magical Raptor
- birds
- Coming Soon
- conservation
- ecology
- falcon
- habitat
- merlin
- ornithology
- raptor
The Merlin Falco columbarius is Europe’s smallest falcon, and its breeding presence is often regarded as a key indicator of a healthy natural environment. A highly adaptable species, it displays a variety of intriguing and contrasting behaviours across its extensive Northern Hemisphere range.
Frank Rennie has spent many years observing and researching the characteristics of this important raptor. His landmark volume brings together for the first time many important sources of information from Europe, Asia and North America to better explain the complex and adaptive nature of the Merlin, which make it such a fascinating bird to observe.
The book provides in-depth coverage of the complex origins and behaviours of the Merlin, from its obscure fossil ancestors through to the contemporary challenges it faces from habitat destruction, environmental pollution and climate change. Close investigation of its hunting methods, habitat selection and breeding activities reveals some surprising regional differences that offer a new understanding of this critically important, elusive and quietly majestic indicator species.
DOI: 10.53061/JSHI8993
About the Author
Frank Rennie was Professor of Sustainable Rural Development at the University of the Highlands and Islands, Scotland, and is a Research Associate at the UHI Environmental Research Institute. His research interests include human ecology and new approaches to online networking for the clear communication of higher education and science.Bibliographic Information
216 pages
- BISAC SCI070040, SCI020000, NAT004000, NAT043000