Insects on cabbages and oilseed rape
- brassica
- cabbage
- entomology
- identification
- insects
- oilseed rape
- taxonomy
This book introduces the insects on brassicas and their natural history, and shows how much remains to be discovered about even the commoner species. Until now, critical identification of brassica insects has been a task for experts, because it required specialist training and an extensive library. We hope that this book will help readers to name brassica insects more easily, and to explore for themselves this important and interesting community. If we are to minimise the damage done due to insect pests, those ecological interactions must be understood.
This book introduces the insects living on cabbages and oilseed rape, including the herbivores and the parasites and predators that feed on them. The natural history of the community is described, and keys and illustrations are provided to help readers to name their insects.
Sixth-form, undergraduate, postgraduate, field centre, ecological consultant, wildlife trust, conservation volunteerTable of Contents
Brassicas as a place to live
The herbivores
Introduction to the keys
I The major groups of insects found on cabbages and oilseed rape
II Larvae and non-flying adults
III Adult beetles (Coleoptera)
IV Adult flies (Diptera)
Adult butterflies and moths (Lepidoptera)
Some useful addresses
References and further reading
Bibliographic Information
68 pages
- B/w illustrations
- 4 colour plates
- BISAC NAT017000, SCI020000