Insects on nettles
- entomology
- identification
- insects
- nettles
- taxonomy
- urtica
- Urticaceae
Stinging nettles harbour a characteristic community of insects that are widespread, abundant, and rewarding to study. This book describes the natural history of the insects in that community, and describes the way they coexist using different parts of a stinging nettle plant. It discusses the feeding habits of herbivores and predatory insects, and the parasites that feed on them, as well as the seasonal distribution of the life cycles of the different members of the community.
For a nettle-dwelling insect species, a nettle patch is an island in a sea of unsuitable habitat, and this book discusses the relationship between the size and isolation of the nettle patch and the nature of its community. Keys are provided for identification, and many of the commoner species are illustrated in colour. Techniques are described for investigating insect fauna. A three page addendum draws attention to the changes in the nettle community that may be expected to result from global warming.
Sixth-form, undergraduate, postgraduate, field centre, ecological consultant, wildlife trust, conservation volunteerTable of Contents
Keys to the insects on nettles:
I The major groups of insects found on nettles
II Lepidoptera adults: moths
III Lepidoptera larvae: caterpillars
IV Coleoptera: beetles
V Heteroptera: plant bugs
VI Homoptera: (1) frog-hoppers, leaf-hoppers etc.
VII Homoptera: (2) plant lice
VIII Free living Diptera, Coleoptera and Neuroptera larvae: young stages of flies, beetles and lacewings
IX Diptera: mines and galls
X Parasites
Bibliographic Information
68 pages
- B/w illustrations
- 4 colour plates
- | 2nd Edition
- BISAC NAT017000, SCI070020