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Citizen Science in Biology

Citizen Science in Biology

The History and Development of Public Participation in Science

  • An in-depth history of citizen science.
  • A review of the best of citizen science approaches through the ages.
  • Advice and resources to make citizen science projects robust and reliable.

    • biology
    • citizen science
    • Coming Soon
    • conservation
    • ecology
    • fieldwork
    • survey


    This important book charts the historical development of citizen science, from its earliest days with amateur individuals working on their own, to the modern incarnation which often sees large numbers of people cooperating on environmental or health projects. It will help project designers understand the heritage of citizen science, including the best way to avoid previous mistakes, and how to ensure results which are both reliable and informative. It also encourages individuals to participate and to think beyond the simple collection of data; how can each of us contribute?

    As scientists themselves, the authors have a clear understanding of the need for reliable, rather than anecdotal, information about the ups and downs of citizen science projects. Both have been involved in such initiatives, from individual data collection to testing identification keys for practical use by the public. Many readers will be surprised at the breadth of citizen science and will discover the ability to undertake their own investigations. This book will be of great interest to anyone participating in or organising collaborative citizen science projects.

    DOI: 10.53061/KLUQ2207

    About the Author

    Wilson Wall, a scientist by training, and by inclination a trumpet player and cyclist, studied zoology and then human genetics. After many years as a clinical geneticist he set up Bewdley Orchids, a conservation company cultivating British native orchids from seed. www.wilsonwall.uk

    David Morgan spent ten years as a professional scientist researching in the field of plant physiology. Since then he has been a keen naturalist-cum-amateur scientist with interests in plant distribution and ecology. He continues to dabble with ecological research in his long-established garden meadow. He is also a watercolourist, walker and traveller. Instagram: @CountrySketches

    Bibliographic Information

    • 248 pages
    • BISAC YAN050030, NAT011000, SCI000000, YAN050000